This is my first concentration piece. This one focuses on vulnerability because of appearance and self-worth. I think that people who are uncomfortable with their body would be the most vulnerable at the pool or on the beach while they're in their bathing suits. This is part of my central idea of vulnerability. I think I've successfully shown the vulnerability, but I think the composition could have been more interesting. Also, a bikini would make more sense, but I think that the long bathing suit shows that she's uncomfortable with her body because she's trying to hide it.
This is my second concentration. I think high heals cause a lot of vulnerability because you can't run in them if you're put in a situation where you need to. Also people wear high heals to make their legs look "sexy" so that kind of attention also makes them vulnerable. This picture is showing her ankle twisting which shows her as vulnerable. I like this picture because of the texture and how the background is really blurred. I think it's kind of dark, but it's not that hard to tell what it is. Also, the foot in the background is straight and the one in the front is going another way and is slanted so it looks like she might be in the act of twisting her ankle and is about to fall down.
They both connect because of the emotion and the over all vulnerability, but also because the faces aren't present. I really like the idea of using hiding faces to connect my pieces. It's more discreet which I like and it also adds to the idea of what someone is feeling when they're vulnerable.